International Festival of Alternative and New Theatre, INFANT, will be held from 4 September until 6 September within the Kaleidoscope of Culture, which, for the third year in a row marks the end of summer in Novi Sad with five weeks of programme.
In the main programme of the 47th INFANT under the slogan ‘Personal Revolution’, the audience will have a chance to see three plays of the competition programme, chosen by the selection jury Sanja Krsmanović Tasić.

Local troups will play the dominant role at this year’s festival due to the current situation with the coronavirus. Theatres and plays competing for this year’s award will be: Šabac theatre with the play ‘Anne Frank: Historical Anti-Tale for Children and Adults’ (4 September at 9 p.m.), Mimart Theatre with the play ‘Algorithm of Dream’ (5 September at 9.30 p.m.) and Bitef Dance Company with the play ‘Revolutionary Room’ (5 September at 8 p.m.), both from Belgrade.

The Serbian National Theatre play ‘Who Killed Janis Joplin?’ (6 September at 8.30 p.m.) will be performed in honour of the awarded ones. This year’s jury members are: Miroslav Radonjić, Director of Sterijino pozorje and PhD in literature, Nikola Zavišić, Master in Directing for Alternative and Puppet theatre, and Milan Puzić, Dramaturge graduate. Moderator of the round table will be Sonja Petrović, film director.
This year’s festival programme will be held in the former Grand Liman. The entrance to all the programmes is free, adhering to the epidemiological measures and limited number of people.
Timetable of the whole opening programme of the Kaleidoscope of Culture is on this link.