Interactive Play ‘The Life of Margita Stefanović’

Neda Nosović and Ivana Antić made a play ‘The Life of Margita Stefanović’ about different parts of her life, in order to present the life and work of Margita Stefanović, the great artist with a tragic destiny, who was part of the Ekatarina Velika band.

You will have a chance to see the ‘Life of Margita Stefanović’ play within the literature week of the Kaleidoscope of Culture, in the Mlin Cultural Station on 23 September at 7 p.m.

The 1980s brought a specific music genre to Yugoslavia called the new wave. This is how a great number of bands associated with the new wave genre developed, including EKV. With different, melancholic sound and specific poetic texts by the frontman Milan Mladenović, the music band is famous even today, and in addition to Milan Mladenović, an important part of the band was the keyboardist and great pianist Margita Stefanović.

Neda Nosović is a psychology graduate who has been working in the field of music since 2012 and actively performs with the ‘Duo Nomadiko’ band, which performs the music of Russian Roma with the unique musical expression. At the moment, she is studying for a master’s degree in applied theatre at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad.

Ivana Antić is a music graduate, an artist, and a performer, while she is also studying for a master’s degree in applied theatre at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. Since 2017, she has been working as an actress, being a member of the ‘Teatarnova’ ensemble. She is the author of the two radio shows about music and teaches singing at music workshops Presto. She is the founder and artistic manager of the Women’s Chamber Choir ‘Lauda’ and one of the founders and performers of the Troupe for Contemporary and Immersive Theatre – TITE. She writes theatre music.

The fourth Kaleidoscope of Culture will be held from 2 September until 8 October 2021. During five weeks, this yearlong project of culture of togetherness that connects artists, cultural institutions, non-governmental organisations, citizens and visitors through various processes, will present five types of art. At the end of summer, the Kaleidoscope of Culture will present spaces and programmes throughout the city, promoting a unique image of the diversity of Novi Sad.